Designing & Measuring Customer Experience (CX) Impact

Malaysia, In-person


Great customer experience (CX) is about exceeding customer expectations. This is why brands and businesses rank CX so highly in their priorities in 2023 (and beyond). For marketers, this is a golden opportunity not to be missed. As consumers increasingly want their relationships and interactions to be more experiential and memorable, marketing teams have to put their thinking caps on to firstly, create customer journeys that are meaningful, and secondly, a robust and integrated measurement framework to measure CX’s impact and success.

As CX initiatives are paving the way for marketing innovation, how can organisations connect CX initiatives to business impact?

In this two-day masterclass, participants will learn audit tools and measurement frameworks that help companies identify and strategically develop the most important CX initiatives.

Key learning outcomes:


  • Why brands should focus on exceptional CX.
  • Different levels of CX maturity.
  • How to audit CX gaps.
  • Turning CX gaps into opportunities.
  • Pairing CX initiative with business impact.

Who should attend

Mid-level professionals who are responsible for executing an integrated marketing innovation and strategy at scale across all functions of the business, including the following functions:


  • Customer/digital experience
  • Digital marketing
  • User interface and design
About the trainer
About the trainer

Jonathan Ng

Chief Design Officer


Jonathan has over 19 years of experience in the design and communication industry as a trans-disciplinary creative, with expertise in user experience and omnichannel marketing. He has worked with global brands to develop omnichannel strategies across multiple markets, optimise customer journeys, and create engaging experiences through design thinking, human-centric innovation, research, and design.

He has produced award-winning work for clients including AXA, VISA, Microsoft, Diageo, Nestle, Volkswagen, Tesla, Procter & Gamble, Audi, Johnson & Johnson, Levi’s, Castrol, Converse, Nike, Nokia, Singapore Airlines, and more.

Jon was formerly the Creative Partner and founding member of Nurun Singapore, a digital and design consultancy of Publicis Groupe, focused on creating innovative marketing solutions built on human behaviour. Prior to that, Jon was the Chief Creative Officer of Ogilvy Asia Pacific’s innovation unit K1ND, where he spearheaded numerous business and brand innovation projects for clients like Huggies, Burberry, and Mondelez International.


Highly recommended to everyone because CX is pervasive.

Sales & Marketing Director

It is useful for users to understand what is a good CX and scientifically proven theory behind how we do this.

Assistant Manager, Customer Experience

Jonathan is very experienced CX developer and delivered the training very well. I learned lots of insights and his guidance makes CX comes to reality.

Senior Marketing Manager

I must say the course was ‘mind blasting’. Prior to the course, CX practice to me was kind of an 'overrated’ – something everybody talks about but nobody really does or understands. Now I must say there is a real science behind CX and how to approach it to transform a business. I am convinced it is a key concept and practice to master in an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous economic landscape. The activities were really good, giving me practical tools in which I can run CX initiatives in my organisation.

Head of Digital Experience

Practical and thought-provoking. The bite-sized content is easily digestible and actionable.

Marketing and Communications Executive

Jonathan was able to structure and deliver the content-rich course concisely, succinctly, and creatively. Relating course content to real-life examples helped in our understanding of how CX innovators can drive business success within an organisation.

Marketing Communications Lead
W. L. Gore & Associates

Companies focus on technology in an increasingly digital world and tend to forget that our customers are humans. These two days of training changed that perception and showed me the importance of human-centric initiatives and how they can produce business KPIs.

Marketing Communications Associate

Please contact

Corrine Magtanong
for more information.

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Great customer experiences and an organisation readiness

Learn the attributes that make exceptional CX and understand the different levels of CX maturity in an organisation to maximise CX impact:


  • Why creating great experience is the future
  • What makes a great CX and an organisation readiness
  • How to identify CX opportunities based on organisation readiness
  • Case study: Sartorius
    • From sales-driven to experience-driven

0900 – 1045

  • Introduction and learning outcomes alignment
  • Uncover the factors behind great CX
  • How great CX can drive direct business impact
1045 – 1100

Morning break

1100 – 1230
  • Understanding an organisation CX maturity
  • Introduction to CX Maturity Model

1230 – 1330


1330 – 1445
  • Activity: CX maturity assessment
  • Post-activity sharing
1445 – 1515

Case study: CX Maturity Progression

1515 – 1530

Afternoon break

1530 – 1600

Knowing the gaps in CX maturity

1600 – 1715
  • Introduction to T.R.A.D.E.R Model
  • Activity: T.R.A.D.E.R. Model auditing

Q&A and wrap-up

Transform CX insights into CX initiative based on organisation readiness

Transform audit insights into tangible CX initiatives for positive and measurable business impact:


  • Decode CX audits for actionable insights
  • Turing insights into CX initiatives
  • How to drive and measure CX initiatives for business impact
  • Case Study: Sartorius Insider
    • A brand experience ecosystem
0900 – 0930

Recap and sharing of T.R.A.D.E.R outcomes

0930 – 1100

  • Turning insights into initiatives with E.R.R.C Ideation
  • Activity: E.R.R.C Ideation
1100 – 1115

Morning break

1115 – 1230
  • Post-activity sharing
  • Uncovering the best E.R.R.C initiative with Gamestorming

1230 – 1330


1330 – 1445
  • Activity: Gamestorming
  • Post-activity sharing
1445 – 1515

Case study: CX Transformation

1515 – 1530

Afternoon break

1530 – 1600

Selling your CX initiative and pairing it with business KPI

1600 – 1715
  • Introduction to CX Canvas
  • Activity: CX Canvas

Sharing of CX Canvas & end of masterclass